Time to Reduce my Bodyfat

Wednesday 13 November 2013

One thing that has remained surprisingly constant throughout my journey so far has been my body fat percentage.

It has always been at about 21%, which if I'm completely honest, I'm not happy about. I feel like so much of my weight is actually useless, yet I don't feel large. I look at myself in the mirror and still feel really small.

It wasn't until I was in the gym the other day and decided to use the machine which checks your stats like weight, height, bf%, etc. That I got a shock.

I discovered that my weight had shot up to almost 14 stone. Body fat up to around 23%, meaning that almost 20kg of me is just fat.

I suppose the weight thing isn't really a shock as I was intending to bulk at the moment, but the body fat bit is a bit of a worry. Although from what I read, these machines can be quite inaccurate and things like water, alcohol and food can all effect the results. My caliper reading was around 21% a few months ago, so it can't be too far out, but that slight change has got me on a mission to at least cut down for a while before starting bulking properly. 

So stay tuned for my workout plans and meal plans for my cut. I'll be sharing everything on here. 

Feel free to offer any advice or motivation you feel could help me. 

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