It's never as good as you remember

Thursday 19 June 2014

Today I made a rookie mistake. I decided that for lunch I was going to treat myself.

I decided I was going to treat myself real goooooood. For lunch I went along to the chip shop just along the road from work and got myself a nice looking Chip Steak and chips. I'm not going to lie, it smelt absolutely incredible and for the first few mouthfuls it really lived up to the smell.

It felt so good, having something so bad, but by the end of the fifth or sixth mouthful, I was left with my mouth absolutely coated in grease and that was enough to put me off.

Little did I know, the worst was to come.

A few hours later I was doubled over my desk at work with the most horrible cramps I've had in a long time. If ever.

My body was punishing me, because it knows that the junk I was putting into it, although it satisfied my cravings, it wasn't doing my body any real benefits.

Never has an image rung so true with me than this one has today.

Your body is like a machine/engine and in order for it to run smoothly, you really need to be feeding it with the best possible fuel you can. 

Always choose High grade over the cheaper and sometimes more appealing option. You'll regret it later. 

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